show vpex auto-configuration

show vpex auto-configuration


Shows the status of Extended Edge Switching auto-configuration (partial automation) and, if applicable, switch port to bridge port extender (BPE) slot assignments.

Syntax Description

vpex Specifies Virtual Port Extender (VPEX).
auto-configuration Specifies the VPEX Auto-Configuration of cascade ports and VPEX slots.



Usage Guidelines



The following example displays output when there is no MLAG peer configured:

# show vpex auto-configuration 
VPEX Auto-Configuration: Enabled without MLAG support
Virtual MLAG ID Configuration: Cascade

The following example displays output when an MLAG peer is configured:

# show vpex auto-configuration 
VPEX Auto-Configuration: Enabled with MLAG support
Virtual MLAG ID Configuration: Cascade

The following example displays output when an MLAG peer is configured and an MLAG peer is down:

# sh vpex auto-configuration 
VPEX Auto-Configuration: Disabled
Virtual MLAG ID Configuration: Cascade


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 31.7

Platform Availability

This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X465 series switch.